020 8123 9360

Environmental Policy

Images for Industry Limited

Policy Statement

Images for Industry Limited is committed to minimising our environmental impact and promoting sustainability in all aspects of our operations. We recognise the importance of protecting the environment for future generations and aim to conduct our business in a way that supports sustainable practices and reduces our ecological footprint.


This policy applies to all employees, contractors, suppliers, and stakeholders involved with Images for Industry Limited, covering all aspects of our business activities, including office operations, project execution, and client interactions.


  1. Reduce Carbon Footprint: Minimise energy consumption and reduce emissions across our operations.
  2. Sustainable Resource Use: Ensure responsible use of resources, including reducing waste and increasing recycling efforts.
  3. Environmentally Conscious Practices: Embed environmentally friendly practices in the delivery of our services, including 3D virtual tours and digital imaging.
  4. Engage and Educate: Raise awareness among employees, contractors, and clients about sustainable practices and encourage their adoption.


  1.  Energy Efficiency
    • Use energy-efficient equipment and appliances in our offices.
    • Encourage remote working and virtual collaboration to reduce travel-related emissions.
    • Regularly assess and optimise our energy consumption.
  2.  Waste Reduction and Recycling
    • Implement a comprehensive recycling programme for office waste, including paper, plastic, and electronic materials.
    • Transition to paperless processes wherever possible.
    • Safely dispose of hazardous materials in compliance with environmental regulations.
  3.  Sustainable Procurement
    • Source materials and services from suppliers who prioritise environmental sustainability.
    • Use eco-friendly materials for any physical marketing or promotional activities.
  4.  Environmental Considerations in Projects
    • Leverage digital solutions, such as 3D virtual tours, to minimise physical site visits and reduce associated travel.
    • Design projects with energy efficiency and sustainability in mind, wherever applicable.
  5.  Compliance and Improvement
    • Comply with all relevant environmental laws and regulations.
    • Set measurable targets for environmental performance and review progress annually.


  • Leadership Team: Ensure the policy is implemented, reviewed, and improved over time.
  • Employees and Contractors: Act in accordance with this policy and contribute to the company’s environmental goals.
  • Suppliers and Partners: Collaborate with stakeholders who share our commitment to sustainability.

Monitoring and Reporting

We will regularly monitor our environmental performance and make adjustments to improve outcomes. Annual reviews will ensure that our commitments remain relevant and effective.

Review and Updates

This Environmental Policy will be reviewed every year or as necessary to reflect changes in legislation or organisational practices.

Issued by: Tony Pincham, Director
Date: 26/11/2024
Images for Industry Limited